SwiftSummit Recap: Our Latest Chat on Water, Tech, and Compliance

We’ve just wrapped up another awesome SwiftSummit! Believe it or not, this was our 11th edition and we think it was a pretty good one! It was all about sharing, learning, and getting excited for what’s ahead in the world of water compliance. Here’s the lowdown:

What’s New and What’s Next for Water Compliance?

Our CEO, Mick O’Dwyer, kicked things off with a deep dive into the latest trends shaking up the water and wastewater world. Plus, he spilled the beans on what we learned from a big survey we did earlier this year – yeah, we’re all about getting the scoop directly from you guys and we’ll be sharing the full results and some thoughts of our leaders on that in the coming weeks.

The Biggies for 2024

Turns out, staying on top of regulations, boosting compliance rates, juggling data, and keeping costs in check are the big challenges on everyone’s mind. But hey, we’re all in this boat together, and knowing what’s up is the first step to navigating these waters.

Digital Wave Riding

You all are stepping up the digital game, with many moving from cautious paddlers to full-on surfers in the digital transformation. It’s all about making things smoother, smarter, and snappier for everyone involved.

Building Connections and Smashing Goals

VP of Customer Success, Sarah Schenkerberg, then shared some exciting updates from the Customer Success team. It’s been a year of growth, learning, and lots of new faces – all dedicated to making your SwiftComply experience better than ever.

Big Wins and Bigger Plans

  • We’ve been chatting with tons of you to really understand what makes your world spin. And guess what? It’s leading to some cool changes.
  • The launch of our Backflow Training Academy is a game-changer – think of it as an online classroom for water compliance training.
  • Looking ahead, we’re all about making things even easier and helping every single one of you hit that sweet spot in your compliance goals. Because when you win, we all win.

Wrapping Up

This chat was a reminder of why we do what we do. It’s not just about water and wastewater (though, of course, that’s a big part of it 😉). It’s about creating a space where we can all share, learn, and grow together. Here’s to a year of tackling challenges, celebrating wins, and, most importantly, doing it as a community.