5 Ways Online Submissions Can Supercharge Your Compliance Management Efforts

If you’re a local government regulator, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the challenges of using outdated compliance systems.

The constant struggle to navigate aging software, antiquated paper-based processes, and limited resources can make ensuring regulatory compliance feel like an uphill battle.

But what if I told you there’s a way to simplify this process and bring a new efficiency level to your work? Imagine a world where all your data is just a few clicks away, communication with regulated businesses is seamless, and compliance tracking becomes effortless.

Welcome to the world of online submissions.

This post will explore five compelling ways online submissions can supercharge your compliance management efforts. Let’s dive in.

1. Boost Efficiency and Save Time

When it comes to efficiency, online submissions are in a league of their own.

Just imagine the precious time you can save by steering clear of laborious manual data entry. This newfound time can be a game-changer, allowing your team to redirect their efforts toward pressing strategic initiatives.

If you’re reading this, chances are your team invests significant time in manual data entry.

But with the power of automation, that challenge becomes a thing of the past. Suddenly, you have a surplus of time to dedicate to other critical tasks, such as training new staff, streamlining the enforcement process, and elevating your compliance program to new heights.

2. Minimizing Errors and Enhance Accuracy

One of the biggest worries for any compliance team is the risk of human error. Thankfully, the likelihood of such inaccuracies is significantly diminished with the implementation of online submissions and their automation capabilities.

This improvement serves to fortify your decision-making processes, enabling you to uphold an impressive compliance rate.

Of course, it’s important to acknowledge that adopting such a system may require training and adjustment to ensure your team fully embraces the technology. However, the benefits that await make this effort well worth it.

3. Proactive Compliance Monitoring with Real-Time Data

Gaining a real-time snapshot of your compliance status is an invaluable asset.

No more wasting time sifting through endless piles of paperwork or maneuvering through intricate databases. With online submissions, you can enjoy instant access to vital compliance data.

This wealth of information equips you to prioritize inspections efficiently, take prompt action based on the data at hand, and shift away from relying solely on historical records.

Real-time insights can unlock a whole new level of agility and effectiveness in your compliance efforts.

4. Secure and Organized Record Keeping

With online data entry, every record you submit is securely stored and archived, complete with a comprehensive audit trail.

This practice guarantees the security of your data and streamlines the process of retrieving these records whenever needed.

Say goodbye to the countless hours spent tirelessly searching for that critical piece of data. With online submissions, your records are just a few clicks away, readily available whenever required.

5. Improved Collaboration & Communication

Online submissions can also help you improve collaboration and communication throughout your compliance network. This transformative shift simplifies, accelerates, and optimizes the exchange of information between your organization and the stakeholders you work with and regulate.

Embracing digital communication streamlines the process and brings substantial cost savings, making it a truly efficient and budget-friendly choice.

Not only that, but the transition to digital communication also paves the way for more effective collaboration, fostering stronger relationships and ultimately leading to superior compliance outcomes across the board.

Embracing Change with Confidence

Adopting a new software solution can be intimidating, especially for non-technical users within your team.

It’s only natural to feel apprehensive about venturing into uncharted territory, especially when it entails a significant shift in your team’s operations.

However, the initial effort invested in learning and adapting to the right system can yield remarkable benefits. Increased efficiency, minimized errors, and a streamlined compliance management process are just some rewards you can look forward to.

To address common concerns that often arise during such transitions, we’ve compiled a list of frequently voiced worries. You can confidently embark on this transformation journey by addressing these concerns with your team.

Inaccuracies with Online Submissions

When it comes to online submissions, accuracy, and fraud prevention are crucial. With a system like SwiftComply, each submission can be thoroughly checked and verified before acceptance.

The Technological Capabilities of Users

Technology has become an integral part of our lives in today’s digital era. Most of us carry smartphones and regularly use various applications. The key is finding the right system that is built with end users in mind.

For example, at SwiftComply, we understand the importance of user-friendly interfaces and systems catering to users of all technological backgrounds. Our products are built with end users in mind, ensuring a smooth transition to digital processes for all stakeholders involved. See how Craig Puckett from the City of Circleville utilized our user friendly backflow software to increase his compliance rate from 60% to over 90% within a year and a half.

Job Security

Transitioning to an online compliance management system does not equate to job losses. Instead, it empowers staff to focus on more essential and strategic tasks.

With the right system, your team can improve outreach to non-compliant businesses, offer education and ongoing training to new staff, and enhance enforcement processes and follow-ups. The goal is to maximize efficiency and effectiveness, not replace valuable team members.

Data Security Concerns

Cloud-based systems prioritize data security. At SwiftComply, we use state-of-the-art encryption and robust security protocols to protect all information, ensuring data safety is never compromised. As recognition of this commitment to providing secure solution, SwiftComply has been awarded SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance Certification.

Training and Implementation

Transitioning to a new system can be daunting at the best of times. The key is choosing a partner committed to your success and your program’s mission. At SwiftComply, we provide comprehensive support during the transition phase, including hands-on training and dedicated customer support.


The shift to online submissions isn’t just a step – it’s a giant leap forward for your compliance management efforts. It propels efficiency, reduces errors, and revolutionizes real-time data utilization. Plus, it champions secure record-keeping and bolsters communication and collaboration.

Yes, it might seem a challenge to traverse this new terrain, but with the right system and partner by your side, even the most tech-wary can quickly adapt and begin reaping the benefits in no time.

Remember, transitioning to a new system is not just about adopting new technology; it’s about enhancing your compliance program, improving your processes, and ultimately making your job easier.

Ready to see how online submissions can supercharge your compliance program?

Get a firsthand look at how SwiftComply can help you maximize the value of your data, save you hours in admin every week, and power collaboration across your compliance network. Book a demo today to see the future of compliance.