City of Dublin increases daily FOG inspections by 20%

Dublin City introduced Europe’s first fat, oil and grease (FOG) control program in 2008 to curb the growing number of FOG related blockages in their sewer system.

Dublin introduces Europe’s first fats, oils, and grease program

Dublin introduced Europe’s first fat, oil, and grease (FOG) control program in 2008 to curb the growing number of FOG related blockages in their sewer system. The program follows the same implementation style used in US cities. A team of 14 inspectors engages with each of the 4,000 food service establishments 2-4 times a year to encourage grease trap installation and maintenance.

As with any operation of this magnitude, the amount of paperwork and organization surrounding the program was piling up, and growth was cost-prohibitive. A new, robust system to streamline data capture and maintenance was required.

Developing a new FOG management solution

SwiftComply’s first iteration was explicitly built for the Dublin FOG Control Program by SwiftComply founder and CEO Mick O’Dwyer. 

By working with the frontline team, SwiftComply was built to meet the needs of the inspector while providing advanced dashboards and reports for greater insight. SwiftComply allowed the team to digitize many of the program’s processes and automate reports and letter writing.

The fast track to results

The efficiency of the inspection team quickly increased with the introduction of the new inspection app and auto-generated reports. The average inspections per day rose from 3.7 to 4.5 per inspector per day – an increase of c. 20%.

The improvements in data capture, processing, and scheduling allowed the program to expand geographically into the Dublin suburbs, with only minor resource increases, delivering more scope with less cost per inspection.

Since launching in Dublin, SwiftComply has recorded over 12,000+ inspections per year. The FOG team’s efficiency has increased by over 20%, and there has been a significant reduction in the amount of time spent on administration.

SwiftComply’s journey

Launched in 2015, SwiftComply was intended only as a tool to operate the Dublin program. However, the success of the solution has seen us expand rapidly over the last few years and led to us moving our operations to the United States. We are proud to now support over 300 customers across North America with our FOG, Pretreatment and Backflow Prevention solutions.

See how SwiftComply can help maximize your resources and simplify compliance