Notice of Inspection Rights
City of Tempe Environmental Services Section
Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Inspection
Instructions to the inspector upon arrival for inspection:
- Present photo identification
- State purpose and legal authority for inspection
- Tempe City Code Section 27-71 authorizes right of entry for the purpose of inspection for compliance with Chapter 27, Article 1, Sewers-Pretreatment
- Invite onsite manager or responsible party to accompany you for the onsite inspection, unless it is for the purposes of a confidential interview
- Obtain the signature of the onsite manager or responsible party concluding the onsite inspection. If they refuse signature or are not present, note that below the signature line. A lawful inspection may proceed if signature is refused or if there is no onsite manager or responsible party on site.
- During the inspection: (1) if the inspector records any conversation, inform the person being recorded of that fact; and (2) inform anyone you interview that their statements may be included in the inspection report.
Per Arizona State Law, the onsite manager or responsible party has the following rights:
I, the undersigned, have read and understand the following rights as they relate to the inspection:
- I have the right to be presented with photo identification by the inspector.
- I have the right to be informed of the purpose of the inspection and the legal authority for the inspection.
- I have the right to know of any inspection fees. There is no fee for this inspection.
- I have the right to accompany the inspector during the inspection, unless the inspection is for the purposes of a confidential interview.
- I have the right to obtain copies of any original documents taken from the premises during the inspection.
- I have the right to obtain a split or duplicate of any samples taken during the inspection if the split or duplicate of any samples, where appropriate, would not prohibit an analysis from being conducted or render an analysis inconclusive.
- I have the right to obtain copies of any analysis performed on samples taken during the inspection.
- I have the right to be informed if any conversation with the inspector is recorded.
- I have the right to be informed that each person interviewed during the inspection shall be notified that statements made by the person may be included in the inspection report.
I understand that if any final decision is made by Tempe as a result of this inspection, I will have appeal rights as set forth by Tempe City Code, Section 27-91. I also understand that questions about this inspection and any appeal rights may be directed to Environmental Services at (480) 350-2678.